Monday 2 February 2015

Colours and Emotions

Colours are something so ordinary for us that we don't even notice them anymore. Nevertheless, they are very important for our well being. The stronger they are the greater is their impact on us.

Colours affect our mind and our feelings. We should focus on colours that bring out the best in us. It is also very important to choose the colours around us according to our mood as they affect it even if they are not visible to people that surround us.

Colours express the following feelings:

White colour, from the emotional viewpoint, can be labelled as pure and cheerful, but cold colour.

Yellow encourages motoric activity and creates movement. It has a favourable impact on our nervous system (through the visual organ) as well. Yellow colour is also known for being distinctively intellectual.

Green colour has a soothing effect on the nervous system. Namely, it’s sedative and hypnotic colour. It calms down the soul. Allegedly, it also suppresses insomnia.

Physiological effects of the blue colour are exactly the opposite of the effects of the red colour. Blue light enables good concentration, however one can easily get drawn into dreaming when exposed to blue light for longer time, but it doesn't cause any discomfort or excitement.

Red is hot and intense colour and for this reason it's a psychophysical stimulant for the organism. Too much of red colour in a room can arouse an impression of loudness, which can be somewhat annoying, but it can also appear as mighty. Red is a colour of vitality and activity and as such it encourages and intellectual activity too. Red agitates and raises emotional excitement. It's the most violent among all colours as it literally forces a person to be active.

Red, yellow and orange are the most represented colours on the images of joy. All three are warm and stimulating colours, which optically draw the objects nearer. Besides, they also increase the level of activation, stimulate the blood circulation and breathing.

The most common colours of sadness are black and all shades of blue. Since they carry a negative emotional connotation they are appropriate for symbolising negative emotions.

When portraying anger, the most common colours are red and black. Red is often used for images of happiness and joy, however the subjects take into account only its positive connotations in such cases.

The most frequently used colours for portraying fear are black, violet and darker shades of blue.

Effects of the violet colour are very similar to those of the blue colour, nevertheless they are intenser. The presence of violet colour is usually disturbing. It implies introversion and it suits mostly to people who are perceived as odd or are even excluded from the loud companies of people. It's the colour of greatness and importance, idealism; it enables a retreat into meditation.
Lavender colour is a violet colour mixed with the white colour (light violet) and hence it is its lighter version.

Orange is a mixture of yellow and red colour. It's a blend of light and warmth and therefore suitable for creating a pleasant feeling in a room. Orange stimulates the heart, however it doesn't affect the blood pressure. Its presence can be either irritating or soothing. It also stimulates digestion and increases the appetite and hence it's suitable for restaurants, kitchens, dinning rooms. Orange colour implicates instincts, extroversion, and emotional warmth.

Brown is a soothing colour, but despite that it doesn't make us sleepy. It's usually perceived as pleasant and that is mostly because we are used to it, because it's familiar to us. Brown is strong, motherly and protective colour. It implies economics, fidelity and firmness, but also pressure, stiffness, rebellion, stubbornness, simplicity and practicality.

Grey is the colour of uncertainty. The structure of its meaning expands from fear, which is depicted in its lighter shades, through the false courage of its medium shades, to the selfish dark grey colour, which sometimes seems a bit dangerous because of its intensity. It is a popular colour among strict conformists. It's the colour of restraint, but it's also a very elegant colour.

Objective association of the black colour is power, and its emotional associations are darkness and mysteriousness. It stands for a physical darkness, physical rest and physical sadness. It's a symbol of formality and convention, but also a symbol of pride without any haughtiness.

Pastel colours 
the pastel colours are pink, light blue, lavender and other gentle, mixed with white colour and blended tones. They give an impression of gentleness and fragility, and often indecisiveness and confusion as well. They are suitable to emphasise tenderness and sophistication. Clear and saturated colours are compared to the pastel ones too intrusive and even aggressive. Pastel colours are suitable for creating a feeling of trust.

  • Black is the color of authority and power. It is popular in fashion because it makes people appear thinner, it is also stylish and timeless.
  • Brides wear white to symbolize innocence and purity, whilst doctors use it to imply sterility, it reflects light and is popular in fashion.
  • Blue causes the body to produce calming chemicals. Fashion consultants recommend wearing blue to job interviews as it symbolizes loyalty.
  • The most emotionally intense colour, red stimulates a faster heartbeat. Red clothing gets noticed and makes the wearer appear heavier.

source: JUBsdc

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